Catch up on your vocational qualification

Would you like to obtain a vocational qualification?

Find out which path is right for you and what the requirements are. The careers advisors at the Vocational Certificate Centre for Adults will answer your questions and support you in your situation.

You can also obtain a vocational qualification as an adult.


Amt für Berufsberatung

Amt für Berufsberatung
Baarerstrasse 21
6300 Zug
Opening hours

Monday to Wednesday
08:15 - 11:45
13:30 - 17:15

13:30 - 18:30

08:15 - 11:45
13:30 - 16:30

Fachauskunft in der Infothek:
Di/Mi/Do nachmittags, ohne Voranmeldung.


Mo-Fr ganztags auf Voranmeldung.


Vor Feiertagen schliesst die Infothek um 17 Uhr.

Phone number
+41 41 594 32 32