Department of the Interior
Our work encompasses a wide range of areas, including asylum and social welfare, forest protection, land registry entries, and child and adult protection. Furthermore, we preserve historical monuments, conduct archaeological excavations, supervise elections and the naturalization process.
As the Department of the Interior, we handle the following topics and services:
Monday to Friday 08:00 - 11:45 14:00 - 17:00
About us
The Department of the Interior performs various tasks related to elections and voting, civil registry and civil law, the municipal system (resident community, civic community, corporations, church community), and adult and child protection. The Department of the Interior is also responsible for surveys, the land register and notary offices, social affairs, monument preservation, archaeology, and forests, fishing, and hunting.
Andreas Hostettler
6300 Zug
Séverine Feh
6300 Zug
Organizational chart
Organizational chart of the Department of the Interior
Jan 16, 2025
Neuigkeiten aus der Zuger Archäologie und Bauforschung – öffentlicher Vortrag
Ein römisches Bronzerelief von der Baarburg, Neues zum römischen Monumentalbau im Äbnetwald und zum mittelalterlichen Pilgerwesen im Kanton Zug: Das Amt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie blickt au...
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