Department of Security
We ensure public safety in the canton of Zug, working together with other departments, partner organizations, municipalities of Zug, the federal government and the cantons.
The Department of Security is responsible for the following areas:
Monday to Friday 08:00 - 11:45 14:00 - 17:00
An Feiertagen und zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr bleiben die Büros geschlossen.
About us
The Department of Security works with other services, partner organizations, Zug municipalities, the federal government and the cantons to ensure public safety in the canton of Zug. This includes road safety, combating crime, law enforcement, handling routine incidents and responding to crises and emergencies. We coordinate civil defense efforts to protect the community and oversee fire prevention and firefighting in the canton of Zug. We also carry out tasks assigned to us by the federal government in migration, military and civil defense administration, lotteries and victim counseling and assistance.
Together with the canton of Basel-Stadt, we manage the Bostadel prison, an institution of the Northwestern and Central Switzerland Prison Concordat.

Organization chart
Organization chart Department of Security