Department Secretariat
Our work entails planning, advising, coordinating and communication. As the support center of the Department of Security, we deploy our offices and other departments to ensure public safety in Zug.
The Department Secretariat handles the following areas and services:
Monday to Friday 08:00 - 11:45 14:00 - 17:00
About us
As the support center of the Department of Security, our work entails planning, coordinating, communicating and advising in collaboration with our offices and other departments. We advise and assist the Director of Security and other offices and departments in legal matters, communication, tendering or contract negotiations.
We also prepare materials to support the governing council’s decision-making process, such as draft legislation, other legal ordinances, responses to parliamentary inquiries, contributing to the federal government and cantonal conferences. We manage lotteries and money games in the canton of Zug. The cantonal victim support center is also in the Department Secretariat.
Our legal service handles complaints related to administrative or supervisory matters that are filed against the offices of the Department of Security. Last but not least, we represent the governing council in liability claims against the canton.

Michael Siegrist
Stv. Generalsekretär
6300 Zug

Alexandra Boller
Jur. Mitarbeiterin /
6300 Zug

Sandra Brechbühl
Jur. Mitarbeiterin /
6300 Zug

Karin Bruderer Lötscher
Jur. Mitarbeiterin
6300 Zug

Christine Gander Henz
Jur. Mitarbeiterin
6300 Zug

Lukas Kunz
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter /
6300 Zug

Carmen Lingg
Jur. Mitarbeiterin /
6300 Zug

Anders Dahl Rasmussen
Leiter Finanzen / IT
6300 Zug

Central services
Carmen Lingg
Leiterin Zentrale Dienste
6300 Zug

Karin Bachmann
Sachbearbeiterin Zentrale Dienste
6300 Zug

Fabienne Küttel
Sachbearbeiterin Zentrale Dienste
6300 Zug

Brigitte Marchon
Sachbearbeiterin Zentrale Dienste
6300 Zug

Organization chart
Organization chart Department Secretariat Department of Security
Jan 22, 2025
Daniel Jauch wird neuer Feuerwehrinspektor
Der Zuger Regierungsrat hat auf Antrag des Verwaltungsrates der Gebäudeversicherung Zug gewählt: Daniel Jauch wird per 1. März 2025 neuer Feuerwehrinspektor. Er tritt die Nachfolge von Roland Fässl...
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Evakuierungsübung im Zuger Regierungsgebäude erfolgreich verlaufen
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Jul 1, 2024
Alex Mathis wird neuer Leiter des Strassenverkehrsamts im Kanton Zug
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