Emergency Organization Department
As the coordination center for all management bodies and partner organizations, we coordinate efforts for nuclear, biological, chemical and natural incidents, and for the cantonal command personnel in the canton of Zug. We also train management bodies and assist in incident follow-up.
Monday to Friday 08:00 - 11:45 13:30 - 17:00
About us
Special and extraordinary situations necessitate an emergency organization. This consists of essential management teams, the Cantonal Incident-Management Staff (KFS), and the Communal Incident-Management Staff (GFS). The emergency organization manages the funds of the canton and its municipalities.
Our support center prepares the emergency organization, excluding tasks that fall under the purview of a command staff or another department.
Cantonal Incident-Management Staff (KFS)
The canton handles special and extraordinary situations, excluding those that are the responsibility of the municipalities. To prepare and implement the necessary measures, the Zug Governing Council has established a cantonal incident-management staff. The cantonal incident-management staff in Zug advises the authorities, implements the ordered measures and coordinates the deployment of all resources.
Communal Incident-Management Staff (GFS)
The municipalities deal with special and extraordinary situations in the municipal areas. The municipal authorities have communal incident-management staff to prepare for and implement the necessary measures during special and extraordinary situations. The Communical Incident-Management Staff advises the municipal authorities, executes the ordered measures and coordinates the allocation of resources in the municipality.
Dominik Schwerzmann
6312 Steinhausen

Daniel Enzler
6312 Steinhausen

Organization chart
Organization chart Emergency Organization Department
Members of the Cantonal Incident-Management Staff in Zug
Chief of the Cantonal Incident-Management Staff in Zug
Dominik Schwerzmann
+41 41 594 53 76
The chief of the Cantonal Incident-Management Staff in Zug oversees the staff, defines goals and procedures for tasks and makes the necessary decisions. He ensures the participation of all civilian and military partners.
Deputy Chief of the Cantonal Incident-Management Staff in Zug
Daniel Enzler
+41 41 594 39 91
Deputy Chief of the Cantonal Incident-Management Staff in Zug
René Grenacher
+41 41 595 41 41
Deputy Chief of the Cantonal Incident-Management Staff in Zug
Thomas Armbruster
+41 41 595 41 41
The deputy chief of the Cantonal Incident-Management Staff in Zug determines the task-based staff structure, regulates special orders and implements decisions.
Chief of command support
Philipp Suter
+41 41 594 23 49
The chief of command support prepares reports, drafts minutes of resolutions and exercises oversight functions. He keeps the management informed on his work (agenda, immediate measures, orders and resolutions).
Incident Commander
Marcel Peter
The Incident Commander is responsible for collecting intelligence and sharing it.
Chief of Training
Daniel Gschwind
Chief of Information
Stephanie Renner
+41 41 595 41 41
The Chief of Information identifies the information requirements and prepares the information.
Officer (Chief Armed Forces Liaison Staff ZG)
Cédric Ruckli
+41 58 467 56 85
The officer plans and coordinates the support provided by the army.
Chief of the Police Department
Peter Niederberger
+41 41 595 41 41
The Chief of the Police Department fulfils policing duties.
Chief of the Fire Department
Roland Fässler
+41 41 726 90 71
The Chief of the Fire Department is responsible for incident management (rescue, recovery and damage control at the incident site).
Chief of the Health Department
Dr. med. Rudolf Hauri, cantonal physician
+41 41 728 39 39
The Chief of the Health Department plans and coordinates the necessary healthcare measures.
Chief of Technical Operations
Marc Amgwerd
+41 41 594 29 24
The Chief of the Technical Operations Department plans and coordinates the infrastructure measures (roads, water, electricity and gas supply, water, waste water and environmental protection).
Chief of the Civil Protection Department
Matthias Munz
+41 41 594 38 94
The Chief of the Civil Protection Department plans and coordinates civil defense work.
Chief of Administration and Courts Department
Laurent Fankhauser
+41 41 594 31 12
The Chief of the Administration and Courts Department plans and coordinates the support provided by the cantonal administration and the courts.
Organization chart of the Cantonal Incident-Management Staff in Zug
Organization chart Cantonal Incident-Management Staff in Zug
Legal bases
iZug Arbeitsraum, canton Zug (login required)
Directories, canton Zug
National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC)
Information and Deployment System (IES) (login required)
Nov 29, 2024
Evakuierungsübung im Zuger Regierungsgebäude erfolgreich verlaufen
Die Übung fand am 29. November 2024 während einer Kantonsratssitzung statt. Ziel war es, für einen möglichen Ereignisfall optimal vorbereitet zu sein.

Sep 8, 2022
Kanton Zug bereitet sich auf mögliche Energiemangellage vor
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Aug 9, 2022
Tipps zum Wassersparen
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