Financial Control Department
The Financial Control Department is the independent body of the Financial Supervision Department in the canton of Zug, supporting the Cantonal Council in its overall supervision of the state budget and the Government Council in its financial oversight.
We audit the entire financial budget of the canton of Zug and its offices, following the guidelines of the Financial Budget Act, to inform the government and the State Economic Commission of the Cantonal Council.
- Annual audit of the annual report (annual financial statements) for the canton of Zug
- Annual audit of the separate fund financial statements
- Audit of the annual financial statements of the Zug University of Teacher Education (public-law institution)
- Audit of the annual financial statements of the Bostadel prison (public-law institution - concordat of the cantons of Basel-Stadt and Zug)
- Periodic audit of the cantonal directorates and offices
- Audit of internal control systems (efficient processes, correct financial and operational information, compliance, asset protection)
- Audit of project and credit statements
- Accounting audit of service and subsidy agreements (with private institutions)
- Audit work for third parties (foundations, associations, concordats, conferences)
About us
The Financial Control Department is the independent body of the Financial Supervision Department of the Canton of Zug, and supports the Cantonal Council in the overall supervision of the state budget, and the Government Council, the directorates, the State Chancellery and the highest cantonal courts in their financial oversight roles (see section 41 of the Financial Budget Act [FHG]).
We are responsible for auditing the entire financial budget of the canton of Zug, especially the internal control systems. All entities under our supervision are obligated to cooperate and report (see § 51 para. 1 FHG).
The independence and autonomy of auditors is legally guaranteed (see section 41 para. 2 FHG). We are certified as ‘audit experts’ by the Federal Audit Oversight Authority. Our auditing practices are guided by the constitution, the law, and generally accepted auditing principles.
The work we do (auditing, verifying, recommending improvements) helps build trust in the cantonal administration. Finally and above all, ensuring the correct and lawful use of state funds is our primary goal.

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Financial Budget Act (FHG) - in German only
Annual report (annual financial statement)
Budget and finance plan
Strategic financial planning
Professional association of financial control - in German only
Swiss Federal Audit Office
Institute of Internal Auditors Switzerland (IIAS)
Swiss Public Sector Financial Reporting Advisory Committee (SRS-CSPCP)