Municipal Building Department
We plan, build, operate and maintain the canton's buildings and developed properties.
Our services also include property rentals, postal services and car park management.

We build and manage the buildings and facilities that the canton of Zug needs to carry out its core functions.
The links below are available in German only.
Monday to Friday 08:00 - 11:45 14:00 - 17:00
About us
We make the buildings and facilities that the canton of Zug requires to fulfil its core tasks, ensuring that the building infrastructure accommodates the ongoing growth of our canton.
Our building projects are just as diverse as our cantonal services. Regardless of whether we are designing educational facilities, administrative buildings, courthouses, police stations, or correctional facilities, we always prioritize people and their needs.
We carry out needs-based renovations and conversions to ensure that our property portfolio maintains its value over time. Our aim is to maintain spaces with a wide variety of functions in impeccable condition.
We have been ISO 9001 certified since 2008. Finally, and above all, efficient work processes, high customer satisfaction, and maintaining professional and organizational expertise are of paramount importance to us.
David Christian Wyss
Abteilungsleiter / Stv. Kantonsbaumeister
6300 Zug
Andreas Stalder
6300 Zug
André Lötscher
6300 Zug
Roger Mumenthaler
6300 Zug
Daniel Muff
6300 Zug
Organization chart
Organization chart Municipal Building Department
Our principles
To optimally fulfil of our fundamental mission, we have adopted the following guiding principles.
- We prioritize customer concerns and strive for high customer satisfaction by doing our work efficiently and effectively. Moreover, we are committed to continuous process improvement.
- We ensure optimal infrastructure for fulfilling our users' main tasks, while prioritizing economic efficiency, sustainability, and social, architectural, urban planning, and ecological considerations.
- We seek motivated, responsible, and qualified individuals with attractive job offers. Needless to say, we are proud of our organization and are confident of doing the best with your collaboration.
- We demand a high level of expertise and personal responsibility from all employees and authorized representatives. Our services are provided in accordance with economic and entrepreneurial principles.
Contact in case of emergencies/incidents
General, internal incidents
If you have any incident reports or other information regarding our infrastructure, please contact the housekeeping supervisor during opening hours.
Outside opening hours (before 08.00 hours/after 17.00 hours) please contact Equans Switzerland on +41 58 800 41 41.
Emergencies - General emergency numbers:
- Police, fire brigade (0)117
- Rescue service (0)144
- Poison center (0)145
Directly to
The links below are available in German only.
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