Civil Engineering Office
We plan, design, build, maintain and manage cantonal roads and bridges, and we are responsible for managing the cycle routes along cantonal roads.
We also take on tasks related to hydraulic engineering and structural water protection.

The links below are available in German only.
Road building program
Road building projects
Public service obligations
Hydraulic engineering projects
Reed bed protection
Water body maintenance
Winter service
Structural repairs
Technical services
Roadside assistance
Extraordinary services
Maintenance of operating and safety equipment
Monday to Friday 08:00 - 11:45 13:00 - 17:00
About us
The Civil Engineering Office works to provide a safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly cantonal road network to people. This covers all aspects of modern road construction, from the actual road to the civil engineering structures (tunnels, bridges, retaining walls, culverts, etc.), the operational and safety equipment (pumping stations, traffic lights, control centers, etc.) on the road, and noise control and road wastewater disposal. We also take care of the road upkeep, which includes maintaining landscaped areas and snow removal. We are committed to promoting biodiversity along roads and waterbodies and are also in charge of creating an attractive network of cycling routes.
Additionally, we ensure that our waterbodies are flood-proof and near-natural, and we prioritize the revitalization and the protection of reed bed areas.
Finally and most importantly, we are dedicated to implementing our projects using a significant amount of recycled or natural materials wherever possible.
Organization chart
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