We at the BIZ know all about job searches and job applications. You can find information on this here. There are numerous ways to look for a job and prepare your application.

Job search and application

Counselling offers

We support you in all matters relating to job applications. Together with the RAV, we regularly organise short consultations on the topic of «Applying & Working» in the Infothek. You are also welcome to make an appointment for an application check:

Together we will check the content, design and completeness of your application dossier. We will also discuss possible strategies to help you find a job as successfully as possible. You will need to make an appointment in advance.


Registration for a consultation

In a brief discussion lasting a maximum of 30 minutes, you can talk to specialists from the BIZ and RAV at the BIZ. We will support you with questions about your application, job search, job interview and professional social networks. You will also receive information on unemployment insurance and how to proceed in the event of redundancy or a change of job.

The programme is free of charge. Registration is not necessary.
You can always find the current dates in our agenda

To the agenda


Amt für Berufsberatung

Amt für Berufsberatung
Baarerstrasse 21
6300 Zug
Opening hours

Monday to Wednesday
08:15 - 11:45
13:30 - 17:15

13:30 - 18:30

08:15 - 11:45
13:30 - 16:30

Fachauskunft in der Infothek:
Di/Mi/Do nachmittags, ohne Voranmeldung.


Mo-Fr ganztags auf Voranmeldung.


Vor Feiertagen schliesst die Infothek um 17 Uhr.

Phone number
+41 41 594 32 32