We manage the interactive map library
We collect geoinformation from all administrative departments, and distribute and publish it as digital maps and in machine-readable formats through open services, downloads and interfaces.
We specialize in managing geodata from the canton of Zug. This reliable spatial data is vital for a wide range of tasks and decisions. We make it accessible through various channels.
We publish a generalized, comprehensive data set with all media related to supply and disposal lines in the cantonal utilities cadaster.
Amt für Grundbuch und Geoinformation
Monday to Friday 08:00 - 11:45 13:30 - 17:00
About us
Recognizing the potential of geoinformation, the canton of Zug established a special department for it in 1994. In 2004, became one of the first online map portals available. Today, the Geoinformation Department is the canton's competence center for geoinformation.
We consider ourselves a future-oriented service, and link useful data from the public sector and make it accessible openly and for free. As a part of the administration, we want to be a pioneer in providing modern digital services.
We serve as the foundation for the cantonal geoinformation system and promote the widespread use of available geodata. This includes, freely available map services, and open interfaces. The high-performance geodata infrastructure is built using modern IT technology and relies heavily on open-source software components.

Dominik Fürer
Fachspezialist Geoinformation / Stv. Abt'leiter
6300 Zug

Pascal Arnet
Fachspezialist Geoinformation
6300 Zug

Myriam Braun
Fachspezialistin Geoinformation
6300 Zug

Beat Füglister
Fachspezialist Geoinformation
6300 Zug

Thillys Giannopoulos
6300 Zug

Alexander Konrad
Fachspezialist Geoinformation
6300 Zug

Christian Sieber
Fachspezialist Geoinformation
6300 Zug

We train apprentices
We train apprentices in geomatics and actively contribute to promoting young talent in the field.