Office of Cultural Affairs
The Office of Cultural Affairs oversees all aspects of contemporary cultural development in the canton of Zug and the management of the Museum of Prehistory.
All information on cultural promotion in the canton of Zug and the Museum of Prehistory is available on the following links.
Monday to Friday 08:30 - 11:45 13:30 - 16:45
About us
The Office of Cultural Affairs comprises the Cultural Promotion Department and the Museum of Prehistory. The Cultural Promotion Department considers itself a resource center for anyone interested in cultural activities. It currently employs four staff members who handle over 300 funding applications every year and support cultural institutions across the canton that receive operating grants from the Office of Cultural Affairs. The Office also provides annual sponsorship prizes, a work grant and studio grants.
Cultural promotion team
Sibilla Panzeri
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
6300 Zug
Team Museum of Prehistory
Get to know the Team of the Cantonal Museum of Prehistory on the museum website.
Organization chart
Organization chart Office of Cultural Affairs
Supported by logo canton of Zug
Cultural institutions and individuals involved in cultural projects and events that receive funding from the Office of Cultural Affairs of the canton of Zug are obliged to acknowledge this in a visible way (printed materials, advertisements, etc.) using logos.
Dec 16, 2024
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