Office for Middle Schools and University of Teacher Education
The Office for Middle Schools and University of Teacher Education (AMH) is responsible for the overall management, coordination, and improvement of the cantonal middle schools and their quality.

Education statistics (in German only)
Transition to middle schools
Entry to middle schools (in German only)
Disadvantage compensation at middle schools (in German only)
Talent promotion arts and sports (in German only)
Support for compulsory foreign language study
Quality development
IT strategy (in German only)
EDK project: examination-free university access (in German only)
About us
The Office for Middle Schools and University of Teacher Education (AMH) is responsible for the overall management, coordination and development of the cantonal middle schools and their quality assurance.
The cantonal middle schools include the public secondary schools (long-term and short-term secondary schools), the public business schools, and the public vocational middle schools in the canton of Zug.
The AMH is responsible for supervising the Matura examinations at the recognized Matura schools, and the final examinations at the vocational middle schools and the business schools.
It supervises the Zug University of Teacher Education (PH Zug) and coordinates the efforts between the university and the cantonal administration.
In addition, it manages general continuing education initiatives and runs the Coordination Office for Parent Education in Zug.
Monday to Friday 08:00 - 11:45 14:00 - 17:00
Besuche vor Ort sind nur nach telefonischer Vereinbarung möglich.
Hans Christoph Freihofer
6301 Zug

Tiziana Zemp
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin/stv. Amtsleiterin
6301 Zug

Cécile Amstad
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
6301 Zug

Sarah Magdalena Rojas-Künzle
Assistentin / stv. Rechnungsführerin
6301 Zug

Organization chart
Organization chart
The University Council is chaired by the head of the Department for Education and Culture (DBK). It also includes representatives from the fields of education, science and economics.
- Stephan Schleiss, President University Council, state councilor canton Zug / head of the Department for Education and Culture
- Arno Matter, owner and manager of Maler Matter AG
- Dr. Jean-Philippe Moser, deputy CEO of the Swiss Insurance Association SIA
- Monica Roth, CEO and school head of the day school Elementa AG in Neuheim
- Prof. Dr. Regula Schmidlin, professor for German linguistics at the University of Fribourg
- Etienne Schumpf, city councilor of Zug / head of the Education Department Zug
- Paul Stalder, rector schools Baar
- Dr. Christoph Freihofer, advisory member, head of the Office for Middle Schools and University of Teacher Education Zug
- Prof. Dr. Esther Kamm, advisory member, rector of the University of Teach Education Zug
- Stephan Schleiss, SVP, President (since 2011)
- Peter Brändli, FDP, Vice-President (since 2002)
- Anita Zimmermann, Die Mitte (since 2019)
- Matthias Buzzi, Die Mitte (since 2023)
- Maja Dübendorfer, FDP (since 2014)
- Marcus Bühler, SVP (since 2023)
- Barbara Wehrle Hanke, Alternative – die Grünen Zug (since 2015)
- Christoph Freihofer, head AMH, member in an advisory capacity
- Franziska Schärer, rector KSZ, member in an advisory capacity
- Gabrijela Pejic-Glisic, rector KSM, member in an advisory capacity
- Stefan Zumbrunn, rector KSR, member in an advisory capacity
- Vinzenz Gilabert, rector FMS, member in an advisory capacity
- Simon Brugger, teacher KSZ, teacher representative
- Antal Pablé, teacher KSM, teacher representative
- Irene Felchlin, teacher FMS, teacher representative
- Christoph Freihofer, head AMH, President
- Barbara Wehrle Hanke, school commission representative, deputy President
- Anita Zimmermann, school commission representative
- Thierry Carrel, university representative
- Franziska Schärer, rector KSZ, school management representative
- Gabrijela Pejic-Glisic, rector KSM, school management representative
- Adrian Hunn, rector Gymnasium Institut Montana Zugerberg, school management representative
- Joël Fux, rector OYM College Cham, school management representative
- Christoph Freihofer, head AMH, President
- Matthias Buzzi, school commission representative
- Vinzenz Gilabert, Rektor FMS, school management representative
- Kurt Hess, representative of the University of Teacher Education Zug: pedagogy sector, deputy President
- Rita Blunschi, vocational training representative: health / social work sectors
- Christoph Freihofer, head AMH, President
- Marcus Bühler, school commission representative
- Markus Pallor, rector WMS, school management representative, examination head scholastic part EFZ (Swiss Certificate of Competence) and voacation school-leaving certificate
- Erich Rosenberg, examination head, Office for Vocational Education: overall management qualification procedure, deputy President
- Tiziana Zemp-Schmid, deputy head AMH, President
- Patric Matter, prorector KSM
- Jonas Briner, prorector KSR
- Muriel Schers, prorector FMS
- Markus Pallor, rector WMS, deputy President
- Roman Fässler, rector municipal schools, Oberägeri
- Claudio Giglio, teacher secondary level I, Baar
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