As a support center, we carry out planning, coordination, communication and advisory tasks. We support the Director of Education and the offices of the Department of Education.
About us
We provide services to our offices in the areas of legal matters, HR, accounting, IT and communication. The Department Secretariat oversees the management of the Advisory Council for Education.
Lukas Fürrer
Generalsekretär / 2. stv. Landschreiber
6301 Zug

Daniel Eichenberger
6301 Zug

Silvia Binkert
Leiterin Direktionssekretariat / Assistentin
6301 Zug

Sarah Magdalena Rojas-Künzle
Assistentin / stv. Rechnungsführerin
6301 Zug

Gina Betschart
6301 Zug