Coordination center for planning and building applications
We at the Planning and Building Application Coordination Center support the municipalities with communal spatial planning and coordinate building applications that necessitate cantonal review. We are responsible for reviewing planning applications for buildings outside the building zones and for buildings that are within specified proximity to water bodies.

The links below are available in German only.
Buildings and structures outside building zones
Local planning (municipal structure plan, zoning plan and building regulations)
Buildings and structures at a distance from the water
Development plan
Concession for public waters
Applications for low and high voltage installations
Terrain changes and soil improvements
Gravel extraction
Information sheet on solar systems
Monday to Friday 08:00 - 11:45 14:00 - 17:00
Development plan work aid - A guide for practical use
Work aid for hamlet zones
Boat stationing concept canton Zug
Building outside the building zones - application of the RPG in the canton of Zug
Checklist for outdoor events (in German only)
Inward development in rural areas (study based on the example of the municipality of Menzingen)
Leaflet «Developing a spatial strategy»
Design of buildings and facilities outside the building zone - Guidelines
Application form for license renewal and license transfer (in German only)
Principles for new learning paths in the canton of Zug
Gravel report (updated)
Gravel concept 2008: Final report of the affiliated working group
Gravel concept 2008: Appendix to the final report
Solar systems fact sheet
Guidelines for the design of footbridges and headlands
Lakeshore protection zones - Provisions for cantonal usage zones
Sketches (explanations) on the EG ZGB
Sketches (explanations) on the PBG ordinance