Administrative Court
The Administrative Court of the canton of Zug is the highest cantonal court for administrative matters. It judges disputes under public law.

About us
The Administrative Court is the highest cantonal judicial authority for administrative matters as per section 55 paragraph 2 of the Cantonal Constitution. The court has its seat in Zug.
The Administrative Court primarily serves as an appellate body, reviewing decisions made by the Government Council and other administrative authorities of the canton and municipalities. Being a part of the judiciary and upholding the principle of separation of powers, it is an independent authority.
Appeals may be filed against orders and findings made under public law that directly impact an individual in a specific matter or in the cancellation or amendment of which they have a legitimate interest.
While the Administrative Court oversees the Assessment Commission (as per section 61 of the Planning and Building Act), it does not have oversight over the administration (the Cantonal Council is the supervisory authority for general government and administrative activities as per section 41 point c of the Cantonal Constitution).
Members of the Administrative Court
Diana Oswald
Dr. iur., President
born in 1986
Adrian Willimann
lic. iur., Vice-President
born in 1970
Jacqueline Iten-Staub
lic. iur.
born in 1957
Matthias Suter
Dr. iur.
born in 1973
Ivo Klingler
lic. iur.
born in 1961
Sarah Schneider
lic. iur.
born in 1981
Patrick Trütsch
born in 1982
Substitute members of the Administrative Court
Vinzenz Zortea
Dr. med., Substitute Member
born in 1941
Judith Fischer
lic. iur., Substitute Member
born in 1963
Susanne Koch
Substitute Member
born in 1962
Bruno Bosshard
lic. iur., Substitute Member
born in 1962
Roger Grünvogel
lic. iur., Substitute Member
born in 1966
Jakob Senn
lic. iur., Substitute Member
born in 1980
Registry office of the Administrative Court
Claudia Meier
lic. iur., General Secretary
Andrea Henggeler
MLaw, Court Clerk
Peter Kottmann
lic. iur., Court Clerk
Jeannine Suter
MLaw, Court Clerk
Luca Bernasconi
MLaw, Court Clerk
Miriam Habegger-Schneider
MLaw, Court Clerk
Thomas Kreyenbühl
lic. iur., Court Clerk
Mauriz Müller
MLaw, Court Clerk
Angelika Schlauri
Anna Autera Jucker
Lukas Eichenberger
MLaw, Auditor
Giada Ceotto
MLaw, Auditor
Organization of the Administrative Court, term 2019-2024
The Administrative Court has seven members and six substitute members. The judges are elected by the public for six-year terms. The court registry office currently employs seven court clerks. The court is supported by two auditors and a secretariat.
The Administrative Court constitutes itself and is organized into four chambers from among its own judges:
- the administrative law chamber;
- the tax law chamber;
- the social security law chamber;
- the welfare law chamber.
Each chamber has five members, and cases are heard by groups of five or three.
1. Administrative law chamber:
Trütsch (Chairman of the chamber), Iten-Staub, Suter, Klingler, Willimann
Three-judge panel for road traffic measures: Trütsch (Chair), Suter, Willimann
Single-judge bench in immigration law: Iten-Staub, Suter, Willimann, Oswald, Trütsch
2. Tax law chamber:
Oswald (Chairman of the chamber), Suter, Klingler, Schneider, Trütsch
Ordinary three-judge panel: Oswald (Chair), Suter, Klingler
Single judge in tax relief cases: Oswald, Suter, Trütsch
3. Social security chamber:
Willimann (Chairman of the chamber), Iten-Staub, Suter, Oswald, Schneider
Alternating three-judge panel
4. Welfare chamber:
Oswald (Chairman of the chamber), Iten-Staub, Klingler, Willimann, Schneider
Alternating three-judge panel
Vested interests
The Administrative Court is legally obligated to disclose the vested interests of its members and substitute members. You can download an up-to-date list of these interests below.
Financial Statements
The links below are available in German only.
Financial statement of the Administrative Court 2021/2022
Financial statement of the Administrative Court 2019/2020
Financial statement of the Administrative Court 2017/2018
Financial statement of the Administrative Court 2015/2016
Financial statement of the Administrative Court 2013/2014
Financial statement of the Administrative Court 2011/2012
Financial statement of the Administrative Court 2009/2010
Financial statement of the Administrative Court 2007/2008
Financial statement of the Administrative Court 2005/2006
Financial statement of the Administrative Court 2003/2004
Financial statement of the Administrative Court 2001/2002
The following topics will take you directly to the key areas of work of the Administrative Court
Einleitung eines Verwaltungsgerichtsverfahren
Prozessieren vor dem Verwaltungsgericht
Nach Urteilsfällung durch das Verwaltungsgericht
Gerichtskosten im Verwaltungsgerichtsverfahren
Unentgeltliche Rechtspflege im Verwaltungsgerichtsverfahren
Besuch einer öffentlichen Verhandlung am Verwaltungsgericht
Eingaben ans Verwaltungsgericht
Entscheide des Verwaltungsgerichts
Anwältin/Anwalt finden
Jan 6, 2025
Verwaltungsgericht: Vereidigung und Konstituierung für die Amtsperiode 2025-2030
Das Verwaltungsgericht hat sich an seiner Sitzung vom 6. Januar 2025 für die neue Amtsperiode konstituiert und seine Mitglieder vereidigt.
Apr 2, 2024
Amtsgelöbnis von Verwaltungsrichter Patrick Trütsch und Konstituierung des Zu...
Das Verwaltungsgericht hat an seiner konstituierenden Sitzung vom 2. April 2024 Patrick Trütsch das Amtsgelöbnis abgenommen und über die zukünftige Zusammensetzung seiner Spruchkammern entschieden.
Feb 2, 2024
Claudia Meier-Wiesner wird neue Generalsekretärin des Verwaltungsgerichts
Das Verwaltungsgericht des Kantons Zug hat Claudia Meier-Wiesner zu seiner neuen Generalsekretärin ernannt. Sie übernimmt am 1. April 2024 die Nachfolge von Patrick Trütsch, der zum gleichen Zeitpu...
Monday to Friday 08:00 - 11:45 14:00 - 17:00
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