Administrative Law
The Administrative Court is the final court of instance in cantonal administrative matters. The Assessment Commission acts as a special administrative court for official assessments and valuation of properties.

About us
The competent bodies offer legal recourse to citizens against administrative decisions made by municipal and cantonal authorities.
Generally, the person entitled to appeal can first submit their appeal to the hierarchically superior administrative authority, which would be the municipal council or government council. As the appeals authority, the relevant council assesses whether a decision was appropriate and legal. The appeal decision can be further challenged before the Administrative Court, in accordance with the guaranteed right to legal recourse. The Administrative Court is an independent body that primarily reviews the legality of administrative decisions.
In Zug, the organization and procedure are mainly regulated by the Law on Legal Protection in Administrative Matters (VRG) of 1 April 1976. The provisions of section 61 ff. of the Planning and Building Act (PBG) of 26 November 1998 apply to the cantonal Assessment Commission.
Administrative law covers services that can be accessed through the following topics.
Initiation of Administrative Court proceedings
Litigation before the Administrative Court
Following judgment by the Administrative Court
Legal aid in Administrative Court proceedings
Decisions of the Administrative Court
Finding a lawyer
Visit to a public hearing at the Administrative Court
Official valuation of non-agricultural property
Official valuation of agricultural property
Valuations in the event of material or formal expropriation
Payment of value added tax
Monday to Friday 08:00 - 11:45 14:00 - 17:00
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