Appellate Court
This page provides information on the organization of Zug’s Appellate Court, the highest cantonal court authority for civil and criminal matters.

About us
As the highest cantonal court for civil and criminal matters, the Appellate Court intervenes when a party to a case appeals a decision made by the cantonal court or the criminal court.
The Appellate Court exercises oversight over the arbitration authority for employment law, the supervisory commission for lawyers, and the bar examination commission. The justice of the peace offices and the debt collection offices are administratively under the authority of the municipalities, while the bankruptcy office and the arbitration authority for tenancy and leasehold law are under the Department of Economic Affairs. The Appellate Court oversees the latter.
Members and substitute members of the Appellate Court
Marc Siegwart
lic.iur., President
born in 1960
appointed in 2019
Peter Huber
lic.iur., Vice-President
born in 1961
appointed in 2012
Felix Horber
Dr.iur., Member
born in 1959
appointed in 1998
Stephan Dalcher
lic.iur., Member
born in 1954
appointed in 2015
Stephan Scherer
lic.iur., Member
born in 1961
appointed in 2017
Aldo Staub
Dr.iur., Member
born in 1984
appointed in 2021
Andreas Sidler
Dr.iur., Member
born in 1978
appointed in 2022
Substitute Members
Elvira Caratsch
lic.iur., Substitute Member
born in 1970
appointed in 2007
Peter Brändli
lic.iur., Substitute Member
born in 1965
appointed in 2008
Thomas Hubatka
lic.iur., Substitute Member
born in 1974
appointed in 2013
Carole Geissmann
lic.iur., Substitute Member
born in 1971
appointed in 2015
Albert Dormann
lic.iur., Substitute Member
born in 1975
appointed in 2022
Ariana Nouri
lic.iur., Substitute Member
born in 1982
appointed in 2024
Orlando Fosco
MLaw, a.o. Substitute Member
born in 1987
appointed in 2023
Registry office of the Appellate Court
Andrea Amsler Mercier
lic.iur., General Secretary
Fabienne Wiget
Dr.iur., Deputy General Secretary
Jörg Lötscher
lic.iur., Court clerk
Doris Huber Stüdli
lic.iur., Court Clerk
Cyrill Schwegler
lic.iur., Court Clerk
Christian Kaufmann
MLaw, Court Clerk
Ivo Cathry
MLaw, Court Clerk
Flavio Eller
MLaw, Court Clerk
Philip Carr
MLaw, Court Clerk
Nicole Zemp
Petra Schwegler
Sonja Besmer
Andrea Staubli
The Appellate Court Registry Office also includes the employees of the court cashier's office.
Organization of the Appellate Court
The Appellate Court of the canton of Zug has two civil, two criminal and two appeal divisions. Additionally, the Appellate Court has a judicial administration division that primarily focuses on organizational matters within the judiciary.
The divisions are organized as follows:
Judicial Administration Division
Marc Siegwart (Division President)
Peter Huber
Aldo Staub
Civil Division I
(appeals in civil matters against final and interim decisions in ordinary, simplified and divorce proceedings, and direct actions pursuant to article 8 of the Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO))
Peter Huber (President of the Division)
Felix Horber
Aldo Staub
Civil Division II
(all other appeals in civil matters and proceedings as per section 19 points c-f of the Court Organization Act (GOG); exclusive jurisdiction pursuant to article 5 of the ZPO)
Aldo Staub (President of the Division)
Peter Huber
Stephan Scherer
Criminal Division I
(Appeals against judgments of the Criminal Court as a collegial court and disputes over strikes pursuant to article 59 paragraph 1 point c of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CCP), petitions for revision pursuant to article 21 paragraph 1 point b of the CCP and statements in authorization proceedings pursuant to article 103 paragraph 2 of the Court Organization Act (GOG))
Andreas Sidler (President of the Division)
Stephan Dalcher
Orlando Fosco
Criminal Division II
(appeals against judgments of the single-judge benches at the criminal court and juvenile criminal cases)
Andreas Sidler (President of the Division)
Stephan Dalcher
Marc Siegwart
Appeals Division I
(Appeals pursuant to the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Juvenile Criminal Procedure Code and subsidiary supervisory appeals against criminal justice authorities)
Stephan Scherer (President of the Division)
Marc Siegwart
Aldo Staub
Appeals Division II
(all other appeals; supervisory authority for debt collection and bankruptcy)
Stephan Scherer (President of the Division)
Marc Siegwart
Andreas Sidler
Vested interests
The Appellate Court is legally obligated to disclose the vested interests of its members and substitute members. You can download an up-to-date list of these interests below.
The following links will take you directly to the key areas of work of the Appellate Court:
Publications of the Appellate Court
The following link will take you to various publications of the Appellate Court, including financial statements from 2002 onwards.
Obergericht Zug
Monday to Friday 08:00 - 11:45 14:00 - 17:00
Auf Wunsch können auch Termine ausserhalb der Öffnungszeiten vereinbart werden.
Wichtiger Hinweis zu elektronischen Eingaben
Eingaben, welche per E-Mail oder auf andere Weise ohne Originalunterschrift übermittelt werden, gelten als nicht rechtsgültig eingereicht. Die Kommunikation per E-Mail ist nicht verschlüsselt. Anfragen und Eingaben zu konkreten Fällen werden über E-Mail nicht entgegengenommen.
Dec 5, 2024
Konstituierung der Gerichte ab 1. Januar 2025
Die Gerichte haben sich vor Kurzem neu konstituiert und ihre Mitglieder sowie die Friedensrichterinnen und Friedensrichter vereidigt.
Jun 19, 2024
Zuger Staatsanwaltschaft: Neue Leitende Oberstaatsanwältin per 1. Januar 2025
Das Obergericht ernennt Beatrice Kolvodouris Janett, Oberstaatsanwältin des Kantons Zug, per 1. Januar 2025 zur Leitenden Oberstaatsanwältin.
Jan 1, 2024
Konstituierung des Obergerichts ab 1. Januar 2024
Das Obergericht hat sich für den Rest der Amtsperiode 2019-2024 neu konstituiert.