Public Prosecutor's Office
The Public Prosecutor's Office is the investigating and prosecuting authority for criminal matters and handles international requests for legal cooperation in criminal matters.

About us
As the investigating and prosecuting authority, the Public Prosecutor's Office in Zug is obligated to initiate and conduct criminal proceedings within its jurisdiction if it becomes aware of criminal offenses or has reasonable grounds to suspect criminal activity.
If the grounds for suspicion become more compelling and concrete during the criminal proceedings, the Public Prosecutor's Office may either issue a penal order or bring charges before the criminal court, depending on the nature and severity of the appropriate penal measure.
However, if the grounds for suspicion cannot be adequately substantiated or corroborated, or if there is no evidence of a criminal offense, the Public Prosecutor's Office will discontinue the criminal proceedings. The same applies if there are procedural obstacles or in other cases specified by law.
Christian Aebi
Dr.iur., Head Senior Public Prosecutor
Beatrice Kolvodouris Janett
lic.iur., Senior Public Prosecutor
Roland Schwyter
lic.iur., Lead Prosecutor (Division I)
Mike Kindler
MLaw, Lead Prosecutor (Division II)
Martina Weber
lic.iur., Lead Prosecutor (Division III)
Rolf Meier
lic.iur. Lead Prosecutor/Youth Advocate (Division IV)
Annette Hoffmann
lic.iur., Public Prosecutor (Staff and international legal assistance)
Laurent Rossé
lic.iur., Public Prosecutor (Staff and international legal assistance)
Daniel Müller
Business Control
Antonia Villiger
Secretariat Office Management
Sandra Reichmuth
Stephanie Renner
Head of Communication
Frank Kleiner
Deputy Head of Communication
The Public Prosecutor's Office of the canton of Zug has four divisions, each with specialized areas of responsibility: Division I for general offenses, Division II for economic offenses, Division III for road traffic offences, violations, special investigations and inter-cantonal legal assistance, and Division IV for juvenile justice.
The divisions are currently organized as follows:
Division I (general offenses)
Roland Schwyter, lic.iur. (Lead Prosecutor)
Peter Brändli, lic.iur. (Deputy Lead Prosecutor)
Gaby Alther, lic.iur. (Prosecutor)
Peter Furger, lic.iur. (Prosecutor)
Monika Häfliger Arnold, lic.iur. (Prosecutor)
Jovanka Helfenstein, MLaw (Prosecutor)
Thomas Jovan, lic.iur. (Prosecutor)
Tobias Kühne, MLaw (Prosecutor)
Markus Kurt, lic.iur. (Prosecutor)
Kurt Müller, lic.iur. (Prosecutor)
Jessica Rohrer Walter, MLaw (Prosecutor)
Livio Mühlebach, MLaw (Assistant Prosecutor)
Reda Ettaji, MLaw (a.o. Assistant Prosecutor)
Daniel Arnet (Clerk with the police)
Michael Probst (Clerk with the police)
Vanessa Gwerder (Secretary)
Cecilia Heer (Secretary)
Fabienne Karlen (Secretary)
Simone Wüest (Secretary)
Direct phone number of Division I: +41 41 728 46 00
Division II (Economic offences)
Mike Kindler, MLaw (Lead Prosecutor)
Karin Eisenring Hiestand, lic.iur. (Deputy Lead Prosecutor)
Pascal Heller, lic.iur. (Prosecutor)
Jacqueline Landolt, lic.iur. (Prosecutor)
Katja Maag, lic.iur. (Prosecutor)
Michael Pfiffner, MLaw (Prosecutor)
Regula Schlauri, Dr.iur. (Prosecutor)
Sereina Winterberg, MLaw (Assistant Prosecutor)
Tony Basile, Swiss Certified Auditor (Auditor, Investigating officer)
Corinne Stettler, lic.oec., Swiss Certified Auditor (Auditor, Investigating officer)
Yvonne Koller (Secretary)
Rita Meienberger (Secretary)
Michaela Panno-Arnet (Secretary)
Direct phone number of Division II: +41 41 728 46 46
Division III (road traffic offences, violations, special investigations and inter-cantonal legal assistance)
Martina Weber, lic.iur. (Lead Prosecutor)
Oliver Hager, lic.iur. (Prosecutor)
Matthias Dietschy, lic.iur. (Assistant Prosecutor)
Lukas Flückiger, lic.iur. (Assistant Prosecutor)
Gorjana Adzaip (Secretary)
Irene Fleischli (Secretary)
Christine Matter (Secretary)
Jasmin Michel (Secretary)
Ilaria Romeo (Commercial employee)
Direct phone number of Division III: +41 41 728 52 90
Division IV (Juvenile justice)
Rolf Meier, lic.iur. (Lead Prosecutor/Youth Advocate)
Martina Valär, lic.iur. (Deputy Head Public Prosecutor/Youth Advocate)
Monika Beroud, MLaw (Prosecutor/Youth Advocate)
Maya Hossmann Friedrich (Social Worker from a University of Applied Sciences)
Christine Blaser (Social Worker from a University of Applied Sciences)
Jacqueline Strebel-Bollhalder (Secretary)
Tanja Lenherr (Secretary)
Doris Bürgler-Rudin (Secretary)
Direct phone number of Division IV: +41 41 728 50 00
Vested interests
The Public Prosecutor's Office is legally obligated to disclose the vested interests of its members. You can download an up-to-date list of these interests below.
Vested interests of the Public Prosecutor's Office of canton Zug, as at 01/01/2023
Vested interests of the Public Prosecutor's Office of canton Zug, as at 01/01/2024
The following links will take you directly to the key areas of work of the Public Prosecutor's Office:
Instructions from the Public Prosecutor's Office in Zug
As per the Swiss Code of Criminal Procedure (CPC), the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Canton of Zug has issued the following directives to external persons who are not members of the Public Prosecutor's Office in Zug.
The police's duty to inform the public prosecutor
Necessary and official defense
Inclusion of recording devices during interviews
List of data processing activities of the prosecution authorities as per section 12 of the Data Protection Act (Data Protection Act; BGS 157.1)
Record of the Public Prosecutor Office's processing activities
Package address
An der Aa 4 6300 ZugMonday to Friday 08:00 - 11:45 14:00 - 17:00