Government archive
The Zug state archives are the canton's main archive. We ensure that the actions of the government can be traced. In doing so, we make a significant contribution to the rule of law.

We take over, secure and catalogue documents from the three state authorities and supplement the “cantonal memory” with private archives. We make the archive material accessible to the public.
The links below are available in German only.
Monday to Thursday 08:15 - 12:00 13:30 - 17:00
Ausserordentliche Schliessungen:
About us
The Zug State Archives are the central archive of the cantonal authorities, administrative bodies and private third parties that carry out public tasks on behalf of the canton. We help protect legal interests. And we safeguard cultural assets that are as old as about 700 years in Zug's history. In this way, we contribute to legal certainty and enable long-term traceability of government action.
We provide historical information and promote historical research. The State Archives are open to all interested parties within the framework of the legal provisions.
The Archives Act of 29 January 2004 and the Transparency Act of 20 February 2014 form the legal basis of the State Archives.

Gabriela Acklin
Sachbearbeiterin digitale Foto-Reproduktion
6300 Zug

Viviane Egli
Assistenz Amtsleitung und Projektleitung
6300 Zug

Alessandro Taddei
6300 Zug

Sylvia Van Mullem-Schnyder
6300 Zug

Karmele Wigger-Goikolea
Mitarbeiterin Lesesaal
6300 Zug

Christian Winkler
6300 Zug

Organization chart
Organization chart of the State Archive
Feb 3, 2025
Zuger Personen- und Ämterverzeichnis
Zuger Online-Behördenverzeichnis per 1.1.2025 aktualisiert
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Klicks in die Vergangenheit – Zusatzkurs
Kurs zur Nutzung des digitalen Lesesaals – inkl. Führung durchs Archiv

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Referat von Dr. Daniel Schläppi am Dienstag, 19. November 2024
«Eine Gefährde des Bürgereigentums und die Quelle vielen Haders.» Die Gemeindegüterausscheidungen im Kanton Zug 1874–1886