Office for Environment
We at the Office for Environment actively work towards using our natural resources responsibly, maintaining a healthy ecosystem, and fostering sustainable development in our canton, while aligning our efforts with good energy and climate policies.

We offer a variety of information and services, including advice on (the links below are in German only):
Monday to Friday 08:00 - 11:45 14:00 - 17:00
Termine nach Vereinbarung
About us
The Office for Environment contributes to environmental preservation and restoration by rigorously enforcing existing environmental, energy, and water protection legislation. Its core responsibilities include monitoring environmental quality and keeping the public informed about the state of the environment. The Office provides information and advice on environmental and energy issues. It works in collaboration with municipalities, companies, individuals, and specialized agencies from other cantons and the federal government. The Office for Environment is dedicated to promoting sustainable development in our canton and implementing effective energy and climate policies.
Roland Krummenacher
Leiter Amt für Umwelt
6300 Zug
Bruno Mathis
Stellvertretender Amtsleiter / Abteilungsleiter
6300 Zug
Beatrice Bochsler
6300 Zug
Anna Doberer
6300 Zug
Peter Stofer
6300 Zug
Sonja Amrein-Rüegg
Sekretärin / Sachbearbeiterin
6300 Zug
Sonja Meier
Sekretärin / Sachbearbeiterin
6300 Zug
Regula Zeller
Sekretärin / Sachbearbeiterin
6300 Zug
Organization chart
Organization chart Office for Environment
Additional content
Performance mandate Office for Environment