Building Research and Medieval Archaeology
Our department researches culturally and historically significant objects from the High Middle Ages to 1850. We conduct building history studies and archeological excavations and gain new insights about earlier ways of life and living conditions in the canton of Zug.

Up to date information
With the following topics ...
- you will gain insights into our work and find answers to the most frequently asked questions about archeology;
- you will find information about working on a historical building from before 1850 or in an archeological zone here;
- you will discover the historical buildings and structures from before 1850, and the archaeological sites and finds in the canton of Zug.
Understanding archeology
FAQs archeology and building research
Renovating buildings dating back to before 1850
Procedure relating to historical objects
Building and archeology
Reporting a construction site
Exploring the Middle Ages and modern age
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Building Research and Medieval Archaeology
Monday to Friday 08:30 - 11:45 14:00 - 17:00
About us
Through architectural investigations, we examine the construction and fixtures of buildings, gaining important insights into the building history and building technology. Our experts do the documentation work, scientifically analyze investigations and findings, and publish the results.
This is how we contribute to research in regional architectural history, social history and economic history. Through architectural investigations and excavations, we gain deeper insights into the past lifestyles of the people in our region. Our work also provides an important foundation for conservation planning and decisions on historic buildings.
Anette JeanRichard
6300 Zug

Armin Thürig
Grabungstechniker / stv. Abteilungsleiter
6300 Zug

Claudia Löckher
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
6300 Zug

Gabriela Meier Mohamed
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
6300 Zug

Carlo Nüssli
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
6300 Zug

Jan 16, 2025
Neuigkeiten aus der Zuger Archäologie und Bauforschung – öffentlicher Vortrag
Ein römisches Bronzerelief von der Baarburg, Neues zum römischen Monumentalbau im Äbnetwald und zum mittelalterlichen Pilgerwesen im Kanton Zug: Das Amt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie blickt au...

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Neuigkeiten aus der Zuger Archäologie und Bauforschung - öffentlicher Vortrag
Fachpersonen präsentieren die Höhepunkte des Archäologie-Jahres 2023 am Sonntag, 28. Januar 2024, 15.00 Uhr an der Hofstrasse 20 in Zug.