Civil Protection Organization
We undertake various initiatives that serve the public good.
Providing protection services
Training and course program
Request for service deferral/leave
Pay and compensation for loss of earnings
FAQs on civil protection services duty
Personal equipment for civil protection workers
Early release from civil protection service
Deployment of civil protection services in favor of the community
Training center Schönau (AZS)
Emergency psychology (care team)
Monday to Friday 07:30 - 11:45 13:30 - 17:00
Die Zivilschutzorganisation bleibt vom 23. Dezember 2024 bis und mit am 3. Januar 2025 geschlossen.
ZVB Bus Linie 643, Haltestelle «Hagendorn Hofmatt», ca. 10 Minuten Fussmarsch. Wegweiser «Zivilschutz» ab Lindencham. Gebührenfreie Parkplätze sind beim Ausbildungszentrum vorhanden.
About us
The Civil Protection Organization is dedicated to serving the public. During disasters and emergencies, it assists the management bodies and partner organizations (police, fire department, health services, technical companies) and undertakes repair work and assignments that benefit the community.
- are the primary point of contact and information center for members of civil protection;
- manage the reporting obligations and any modifications;
- conduct training (basic training, refresher courses, advanced training courses, specialist courses)
- process requests for deferral of service.
Claudio Wiederkehr
Stv. Kommandant Zivilschutzorganisation
Oliver Füllemann
6330 Cham
Markus Huwyler
6330 Cham
Brigitte Della-Bella
6330 Cham
Erhan Sprecak
6330 Cham
Militia personnel - Civil Protection Organization of the canton of Zug
Daniel Müller
Deputy Commander
+41 41 754 51 62
Officer at the disposal of the Commander of the Civil Protection Unit of the canton of Zug: Reto Casutt, Robin Ebenstreit, Manuel Jurt, Nik Schöpfer, Rolf Steinmann, Dominik Zimmermann
Adjutant: Erhan Sprecak
Chief Situation Reporting: Dominic Besmer
Deputy Situation Reporting: Thomas Wickart, Christian Müller
Chief Personnel: Iwan Hänni
Chief Signals: vacant
Company commanders
Commanding Officer Engineering Company 1: Adrian Zesiger
Commanding Officer Engineering Company 2: Alfred Fleischmann
Commanding Officer Engineering Company 3: Tobias Lussi
Commanding Officer Security Company: Alois Gisler
Commandning Officer Support Company 1: Florian Mächler
Commandning Officer Support Company 2: Fabian Schalch
Responsible Care Team ZG: Anna-Maria Schärer-Maltese
Organization chart
Organization chart ZSO ZG
Presenting the Civil Protection Organization of the canton of Zug (2018)
Service regulations CPO ZG
Section 11 of the Civil Defense Act of September 30, 2010 (Civil Defense Act; BGS 531.1) regulates missions in the event of major incidents, disasters and emergencies:
1 The following persons are responsible for calling up civil defense units
a) the chief of personnel of the cantonal command staff or the deputy for the entire civil protection organization for a maximum of seven days of deployment;
b) * …
c) the civil protection commander or his deputy for a maximum of 500 civil protection personnel for a deployment period of up to three days;
d) the head of operations of the Police of Zug for a maximum of 100 members of civil protection for a deployment period of up to three days;
e) the head of the municipal fire department operations and the local fire department for a maximum of 100 civil protection personnel for up to three days of operations;
f) the chief of personnel of the Communal Incident Management (GFS) for the members of civil protection assigned to the GFS for the duration of the deployment.
2 Deployments lasting up to one month are approved by the Department of Security; longer deployments are subject to approval by the Government Council.
3 Call-ups in accordance with para. 1 points d and e are issued after consulting the civil protection commander or the on-duty standby officer. *
Legal bases
The links below are available in German only.
iZug Arbeitsraum, canton Zug (login required)
Directories, canton Zug
National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC)
Information and Deployment System (IES) (login required)
Dec 3, 2024
Jahresrapport der Zivilschutzorganisation des Kantons Zug 2024
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Emergency Days im Verkehrshaus der Schweiz: Bevölkerungsschutz in Aktion
Vom 20. bis 22. September 2024 fanden die Emergency Days im Verkehrshaus der Schweiz statt, in deren Zentrum die Zusammenarbeit der Partner im Bevölkerungsschutz standen.
Sep 8, 2024
Zivilschützer unterstützten Tagesauflug des Alterszentrums Chlösterli
Am 1. September 2024 unternahm das Alterszentrum Chlösterli einen Tagesausflug zum Ägerimärcht, unterstützt von fünf Angehörigen der Zivilschutzorganisation des Kantons Zug.