Cantonal Court
The Cantonal Court is the court of first instance for civil matters, i.e. disputes between private parties.

About us
The Cantonal Court of Zug currently has nine full-time judges and six substitute judges. The judges are supported by a team of thirteen court clerks and twelve secretaries.
Members and substitute members of the Cantonal Court
Daniela Panico Peyer
lic.iur., President
born in 1971
appointed in 2004
Pascal Stüdli
lic.iur., Vice-President
born in 1972
appointed in 2012
Stephan Szabó
lic.iur., Member
born in 1962
appointed in 2001
Philipp Sialm
lic.iur., Member
born in 1972
appointed in 2014
Cyrill Moos
lic.iur., Member
born in 1980
appointed in 2015
Carmela Frey
MLaw., Member
born in 1984
appointed in 2017
Laurent Krähenbühl
lic.iur., Member
born in 1963
appointed in 2017
Ruedi Ackermann
Dr.iur., Member
born in 1984
appointed in 2021
Katja Heidelberger
MLaw, Member
born in 1988
appointed in 2023
Substitute Members
Priska Ineichen-Müller
lic.iur., Substitute Member
born in 1973
appointed in 2001
Barbara Reichlin Radtke
lic.iur., Substitute Member
born in 1970
appointed in 2009
Fabio Peduzzi
lic.iur., Substitute Member
born in 1972
appointed in 2013
Felizia Huber Meier
lic.iur., Substitute Member
born in 1973
appointed in 2016
Matthias Ebneter
lic.iur., Substitute Member
born in 1973
appointed in 2019
Luzia Wenk
lic.iur., Substitute Member
born in 1962
appointed in 2019
Registry Office of the Cantonal Court
Bernadette Käppeli Huwiler
lic.iur., Head of the Registry Office
Wanda Schmid
MLaw, Court Clerk
Pascal Sterchi
MLaw, Court Clerk
Martina Casutt
MLaw, Court Clerk
Petra Obrist
MLaw, Court Clerk
Tanja Lötscher
MLaw, Court Clerk
Julian Merz
MLaw, Court Clerk
Nora Hurni
MLaw, Court Clerk
Olivia Bühlmann
MLaw, Court Clerk
Miriam Scherer
MLaw, Court Clerk
Katrin Wismer
Dr.iur., Court Clerk
Enea Laube
MLaw, Court Clerk
Céline Suter
MLaw, Court Clerk
Jennifer Portmann
MLaw, Court Clerk
Patricia Reichmuth
Dr. iur., Court Clerk
Monica Schönenberger
Claudia Arnold-Loher
Edith Süess
Susanne Lehmann
Barbara Sattler
Tatjana Stiedl Puur
Edina Becic
Patricia Gamma
Irene Zurfluh
Alissa Wicki
Nadia Küng
Nicole Räber
Sibylle Fassbind
Chiara Annen
Organization of the Cantonal Court
The Zug Cantonal Court has three divisions. Each cantonal judge also acts as a single judge. Additionally, there is the management team, responsible for all administrative tasks of the Cantonal Court (unless these tasks are assigned to a different authority by law or an ordinance).
The current structure of the divisions is as follows:
Panico Peyer Daniela
Stüdli Pascal
Moos Cyrill
1st Division
(Swiss Civil Code (ZGB); Swiss Code of Obligations (OR), in particular Work Contract Law)
Panico Peyer Daniela (President of the Division)
Szabó Stephan
Ackermann Ruedi
2nd Division
(Swiss Code of Obligations (OR), in particular labor law; liability and private insurance law)
Moos Cyrill (President of the Division)
Sialm Philipp
Heidelberger Katja
3rd Division
(Swiss Code of Obligations (OR), especially commercial law; Federal Debt Enforcement and Bankruptcy Act (SchKG))
Stüdli Pascal (President of the Division)
Frey Carmela
Krähenbühl Laurent
Vested interests
The Cantonal Court is legally obligated to disclose the vested interests of its members and substitute members. You can download an up-to-date list of these interests below.
Vested interests of the members and substitute members of the Cantonal Court
The following links will take you directly to the key areas of work of the Cantonal Court:
Medienmitteilung vom 9. Januar 2025
Mit Entscheid des Kantonsgerichts Zug EN 2022 2 vom 9. Januar 2025 wurde der Nord Stream 2 AG die definitive Nachlassstundung ausnahmsweise bis 9. Mai 2025 verlängert. Sodann wurde die Nord Stream 2 AG verpflichtet, innerhalb von 60 Tagen nach Erhalt dieses Entscheids sämtliche Kleingläubiger in voller Höhe zu befriedigen und dem Kantonsgericht Zug die entsprechenden Zahlungsbelege zukommen zu lassen; wird diese Frist nicht eingehalten, wird über die Nord Stream 2 AG ohne Ansetzung einer Nachfrist der Konkurs eröffnet. Die Transliq AG wird als definitive Sachwalterin beibehalten.
Kantonsgericht Zug
Monday to Friday 08:00 - 11:45 13:30 - 17:00
Auf Wunsch können auch Termine ausserhalb der Öffnungszeiten vereinbart werden.
Wichtiger Hinweis zu elektronischen Eingaben:
Eingaben, welche per E-Mail oder auf andere Weise ohne Originalunterschrift & übermittelt werden, gelten als nicht rechtsgülltig eingereicht. Die Kommunikation per E-Mail ist nicht verschlüsselt. Anfragen und Eingaben zu konkreten Fällen werden über E-Mail nicht entgegengenommen.