Office of Public Health
Our team monitors healthcare professions, establishments and the distribution and sale of therapeutic products. We offer guidance for addiction problems, prioritize combating communicable diseases and implement health promotion and prevention measures.

Our work is diverse and is categorized into different sections on our website.
We have shared information on licenses, legal frameworks, funding, medicines, narcotics and resources on addiction topics.
The 'Stay healthy' section offers courses and other resources for health education and prevention. In addition, you can find information on communicable diseases and resources for event organizers.
Monday to Friday 08:00 - 12:00 13:30 - 17:00
About us
The Office of Public Health oversees medical professionals and practices, hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, therapeutic products companies, and works to prevent the spread of communicable diseases.
We assess and reimburse the cantonal coverage amounts for hospitalizations, inpatient drug treatments, and therapies. We also develop, support and collaborate on projects and initiatives related to prevention and pediatric and adolescent health.
Our addiction counseling team provides guidance to young people, adults and their caregivers on addiction issues. The day-to-day management and coordination of addiction support services is carried out by the Officer for Addiction Treatment on behalf of the Drug Conference.
The Pediatric and Adolescent Health Team offers various prevention workshops for school classes and other resources and recommendations for school, work, leisure and family life. The focus here is to support positive development and health education of children, adolescents and young adults.
Our cantonal doctor deals with various medical issues such as risk reports, and the deputy cantonal doctor supervises school medical examinations carried out by school doctors. The cantonal pharmacist monitors the distribution and sale of therapeutic products.

Olivier Favre
Stv. Amtsleiter
6300 Zug

Simone Schwerzmann
6300 Zug

Judith Halter
Abteilungsleiterin Suchtberatung
6300 Zug

Cornelia Fischer
6300 Zug

Central Services

Organization chart
Organization chart Department of Health
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