Medical Department
We oversee professional practice in the healthcare sector, address general healthcare issues and implement measures against communicable diseases.

We are here to provide comprehensive information. The topics overview includes links to license applications and registration forms for practicing healthcare professions. You will also find information on approvals under the Federal Act on Health Insurance (KVG) and on the licensing of establishments. Information on notifiable infectious diseases is given under communicable diseases. A public health officer can provide you with other helpful documents and registration forms.
The links below are available in German only.
Monday to Friday 08:00 - 12:00 13:30 - 17:00
Termine nach Vereinbarung
About us
The Medical Department reviews applications and issues licenses for healthcare establishments and professionals. We are also responsible for authorizing service providers under the Federal Act on Health Insurance (KVG). We provide written verification for healthcare services that do not require a license. For out-of-canton hospitalizations, we decide on the coverage for inpatient treatment in a hospital not listed in the canton of residence.
The Medical Department also provides various forms and documents to service providers. Examples include forms for reporting abortions and involuntary commitment, for reporting individuals deemed unfit to drive under the Road Traffic Act, and forms for obtaining a permit for transporting a deceased person.
You can find important information about communicable and notifiable infectious diseases here.

Karin Müller
Assistentin des Kantonsarztes
6300 Zug

Roman Schaffhauser
Beauftragter für Suchtfragen
6300 Zug

Medical officers for post-mortem examination
Dr. med. Rudolf Hauri
Dr. med. Hanspeter Kläy
Dr. med. Stefan Scheufele
Dr. med. Martin Scotoni-Murer
Dr. med. Detlef Rosenow
Dr. med. univ. Stephan Toschew
Organizational structures for extraordinary situations
The cantonal medical officer is a representative of the Coordinated Medical Service (KSD), and is also a member of the cantonal command staff (KFS). As the head of the healthcare department, he plans and coordinates the necessary healthcare measures.
The links below are available in German only.