Department for Bridging Programs
Department for Bridging Programs
The bridging programs in canton Zug with the profiles S-B-A, K-B-A and I-B-A enable young people and adults to expand the skills necessary for a sustainable entry into the world of work or a general education school.

Please find more information about the bridge programs and important services below.
The links are partially available in German only.
Media platform: Information and news on the bridging programs
Costs / School fees
S-B-A School bridging program
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions S-B-A / K-B-A
K-B-A Combined bridging program
Registration S-B-A / K-B-A
I-B-A Integration bridging program
Registration I-B-A / I-B-A-20+
I-B-A- 20+ Integration Bridging Programme for Adults
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions I-B-A / I-B-A-20+
BFJ career orientation year
You can reach us by telephone.
Monday - Thursday: 8.00 - 11.30 / 13.30 - 16.00
Friday: 8.00 - 11.30
We are not available on Friday afternoons.
Personal appointments on site: by arrangement
About us
The Department for Bridging Program is responsible for the management, coordination, quality assurance and further development of the cantonal bridging program.
The S-B-A, K-B-A and I-B-A bridging programs in canton Zug enable young people and adults to broaden their skills for a sustainable entry into the world of work or general education school. Over the course of one or two years - depending on the focus - the three programs offer individual solutions for improving language skills (I-B-A), general academic and interdisciplinary skills (S-B-A) or practical work experience in companies (K-B-A). This is always combined with targeted support and guidance through the career choice process.
School bridging program, S-B-A
Combined bridging program, K-B-A
Integration bridging program, l-B-A | l-B-A-20+
Management and Team
Martin Beck
6300 Zug

Michaela Arnold
6300 Zug

Gerold Kobelt
6300 Zug

Sandra Iten
Rechnungsführerin und Human Resources
6300 Zug

Eliane Maury
6300 Zug

Patrizia Verta
6300 Zug

List of coaches
You will find the names and contacts of the coaches (learning guides) according to learning locations (location):
List of coaches